31: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Pt 3, A Clive Barker Star Wars Villain
Look here to help worthy causes, https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Wow it’s a bonus episode! Our guest is Ryan from Super Scouts, a sentai comic about a team of actors who find out 20 years later that their powers are real. This episode goes up right before their project ends on kickstarter and it’s worth taking a look at here, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monsteroftheweek1/super-scouts-2
On this Episode of Kamen Ride With Me we talk with Ryan about his work and love of sentai before continuing on with our look at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. We look at the first 3 episodes of the second season in the Mutiny arc to talk about Lord Zedd and then compare the seasons 15th episode to the sentai episode it is adapting, episode 12 of Dairanger.
Next time on our regularly scheduled Friday Kihp is joined again by Brandon of the Tokyo Black Podcast and by Josh of Dead Jester Productions. They will talk about The two part Green No More arc of Power Rangers as well as the arc that brings in 3 new power rangers, The Ninja Encounter.
You can send in questions to Podcast@kamenridewithme.com and follow us on twitter @Kamenridewithme or our website Kamenridewithme.com.
Review us on Apple Podcasts for a shout out on the show and a bonus episode if we reach out goal!
Thanks to Beserk for the use of our theme song Kamen Rider Love Song.
Adventures in Godzilladelphia by SKGB is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
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