41: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Pt 10, Alien Rangers
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Kihp is joined by Pocky Squirrel (@pockysquirrel) of the toku ladies podcast (@TokuLadies_Pod) to talk about the oft forgotten season 3.5 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers.
We watched:
Mighty Morphin Aliens Rangers episodes 1 &2, Kakurangers ep 12, and Alien Rangers 9 &10.
Next Week: Kihp and James B. go back to Kamen Rider Zero One for our Penultimate episode where we cover episodes 42 & 43 of Kamen Rider Zero One.
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Thanks to Beserk for the use of our theme song Kamen Rider Love Song.
Adventures in Godzilladelphia by SKGB is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
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