61: Intro to Kamen Rider Kuuga

Kihp and Stef along with Guest Pockey Squirrel of the toku ladies podcast discuss Kamen Rider Kuuga. This Intro to the series covers and has spoilers for the first 12 episodes as well as spoiler free discussion of the series past that. We are only mildly holiday themed this week.

Next Week we have a regular episode on Kamen Rider Saber 12-14 for Friday.

On Tuesday we have a look at Alpha’s Magic Christmas and I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger with our Ryan from reading Comics While Black, On Wednesday We look at the Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad masochist special Do Not Reboot till Christmas with Bryan from the Tv Trivia Pod, Then on Thursday we have the Rangersplain crew on for a commentary track on the Masked Rider Christmas special Ferbus’s First Christmas.

You can see the rest of the month schedule at KamenRideWithMe.com, send in questions to Podcast@kamenridewithme.com and follow us on twitter @Kamenridewithme or our website Kamenridewithme.com. Find Merch at KamenRideWithMe.com/merch.

Thanks to Beserk for the use of our theme song Kamen Rider Love Song.

Adventures in Godzilladelphia by SKGB is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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