63: MST3K Gamera /Covid & Holidays in Japan

Kihp and David from @tokyofreshpod discuss Mystery Science Theater 3000’s Gamera vs Guiron episode for a double whammy of nostalgia on New Years Day.

For the 8th Kihp and James Baker catch up on Kamen Rider Saber with episodes 15-17.

For the 15th Kihp and Stef look at Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger episodes 1-9 and compare them to Power Rangers Jungle Fury 1-3.

For the 22nd Kihp and James Baker look at Kamen Rider Saber 18-19.

For the 29th Kihp and Stef Look at Space Sheriff Gavan 1-3 & 15 along with Janperson 1-2.

You can see the rest of the month schedule at KamenRideWithMe.com, send in questions to Podcast@kamenridewithme.com and follow us on twitter @Kamenridewithme or our website Kamenridewithme.com. Find Merch at KamenRideWithMe.com/merch. All Merch Proceeds got direct to eviction defense funds in upstate New York.

Thanks to Beserk for the use of our theme song Kamen Rider Love Song.

Adventures in Godzilladelphia by SKGB is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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